JCCU has been implementing the CO・OP Core-non-Smile School Project since November 2010. Under this project, one yen from the sale of every pack of "Core-non-Roll" and "One-touch Soft Core-non Roll" both of which are types of toilet paper, is donated to UNICEF to support its "Child-Friendly Schools" (CFSs) initiative in the Republic of Angola, Africa.
During the 14th phase of the project (November 1, 2023 - October 31, 2024), consumer co-ops nationwide called on their members to purchase "CO·OP Core-non Roll" and "CO·OP One-touch Soft Core-non Roll" through their home delivery catalogs and in-store promotions, resulting in a total of ¥17,038,080 being raised.

Example of a targeted product - One-touch Soft Core-non, Single, 130m × 6 rolls
On December 20, 2024, the 14th Phase Donation Presentation Ceremony was held at UNICEF House in Shinagawa. Representatives from seven Core-non-Roll manufacturing companies, that have supported this project, participated in the ceremony. Mr. HAYAMI Ken, Executive Director of the Japan Committee for UNICEF, was presented with an inventory representing the total amount raised over the past year.
At the opening ceremony, Ms. ARAI Chitose, Vice President of JCCU, said, "This year, after four years, we have resumed the UNICEF Study Tour, allowing participants to witness UNICEF's activities firsthand and gain a deeper understanding of the local children's situation. Moving forward, we will continue to support the children in Angola, ensuring that they can learn with smiles on their faces."
Speaking on behalf of the participating business partners, Mr. GODA Yasuhito, President of Nishinihon Eizai Co., Ltd. reflected on 14 years of continuous support and stated:"In the activity report video letter, the principal of a local school expressed his deep gratitude, saying, "Thanks to this project, many people have come to understand and support us, which has been a great help. We are truly thankful for this project." Hearing this made me extremely happy and reassured me that our efforts have been worthwhile. Moving forward, we will continue working together to support this initiative."
Mr. HAYAMI Ken, Executive Director of the Japan Committee for UNICEF, expressed his gratitude, saying, "Schools play a crucial role in equipping children with the education that shapes their future. The realization of the SDGs depends on future generations. We sincerely appreciate your continued support and cooperation for the generations to come."

Participants of the Donation Presentation Ceremony
Moving forward, the project will continue to support the development of "Child-Friendly Schools" in Angola with the following goals:
1. Installing proper water supply and sanitation facilities in schools and conducting hygiene education training.
2. Providing teacher training focused on child-centered education.
3. Implementation of training and development of school improvement plans to strengthen school management and promote community participation.

(C)UNICEF Angola
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tags: children, Core-non Smile School Project, donation, peace activity, UNICEF