JCCU and its member co-ops have been engaged in activities to prevent global warming since the 1990s, aiming to create a sustainable society through environmental activities. In addition to promoting renewable energy and electric power business, we are working to reduce the environmental burden by producing and retailing CO・OP Brand Products that support ethical consumption and reducing waste.
In addition, JCCU adopted the "Co-op Action Plan for SDGs" in June 2018, and promised to contribute to the SDGs adopted by the United Nations in 2015. This year, aiming for further evolution, we have added to our promise that we will promote "responsible procurement" that considers human rights and the environment from raw material procurement to production and consumption.
As part of these efforts, JCCU has recently signed the Call to Action by Business for Nature, the international coalition on biodiversity.
Business for Nature is "a global coalition calling for action to reverse nature loss and restore the planet's vital systems." It was formed in 2019 by 13 organizations including the World Wildlife Fund and the World Economic Forum.
In June 2020, Business for Nature conducted the Call to Action to encourage governments around the world to adopt ambitious nature policies to "reverse nature loss in this decade."
(Call to Action)
Nature is everyone's business
Healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature.
Governments must adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.
Together let's protect, restore and sustainably use our natural resources.
Business for Nature
JCCU will continue to aim for the realization of a sustainable society through initiatives such as the use of raw materials that do not involve deforestation.
tags: biodiversity, Call to Action, Environment, International, JCCU