CO•OP × Red Cup Campaign donation ceremony held


JCCU and its member Co-ops in cooperation with the Japan Association for the World Food Program (JAWFP) launched the “CO•OP × Red Cup Campaign” from October 1 to November 20, 2018 to raise funds to support the “School Meal Program” in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Within this campaign period one yen from the sale amount of some target CO・OP Brand Product is donated to WFP for the WFP School Meal Program. A total amount of approximately 4.9 million JPY was realized.
The "CO • OP × Red Cup Campaign" started in FY2014 with the Republic of Ghana being the first beneficiary country for a period of 3 years from 2014 to 2016 and from 2017 the initiative was shifted to the Kingdom of Cambodia, and this is the second donation since its start.
Read the article about the 2017 initiative: /eng/news/2018/02/coop-red-cup-campaign.html
In this initiative, through the support of school meal and scholarship offering, JCCU aims to improve the food nutrition of children in the Kingdom of Cambodia. This will also lead to the improvement of school enrollment rate, the attendance rate, and human resource development for school meal management.
On February 5, 2019 at Co-op Plaza (JCCU headquarters) donation presentation ceremony was held, where the amount was presented to JAWFP to support the school meal program in Cambodia. Mr. SUZUKI Kunio, Executive Officer of JAWFP (L), received the donation from SHIMADA Hiroyuki, the Managing Director/CEO of JCCU (R).

tags: CO・OP Brand Product, JAWFP, Red Cup Campaign, WFP School Meal Program