JCCU joined the GSSI Global Partnership, becoming the first cooperative to join globally.
On July 25th 2018, JCCU joined the GSSI Global Partnership as a Funding Partner, becoming the first cooperative to join globally.
The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) is a global, Public-Private Partnership, working towards more sustainable seafood for everyone. GSSI was founded in 2013 as a sector wide, multi-stakeholder initiative to create shared, global and non-competitive solutions for sustainability certification issues in the global seafood supply chain. GSSI's mission is to ensure confidence in the supply and promotion of certified seafood, as well as to promote improvement in seafood certification schemes. This is achieved through GSSI’s Global Benchmark Tool, which is underpinned by the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other FAO guidelines. GSSI’s Global Benchmark Tool provides formal recognition of seafood certification schemes that successfully meet the standards of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other FAO guidelines. Furthermore, GSSI collaborates with industry partners to develop solutions to address other pressing issues facing the seafood sector including, social compliance and Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU).
For the contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), JCCU declared to work both locally and internationally to achieve the SDGs through seven actions. As part of the contribution, JCCU aims to raise the sales of the "MSC certified" product and "ASC certified
" product to more than 20% in the CO・OP brand fishery products by 2020.
By participating in GSSI Global Partnership, JCCU will support GSSI to ensure confidence in the supply and promotion of certified seafood, as well as to promote improvement in seafood certification schemes. Furthermore, JCCU will promote the sustainable use of fishery resources in cooperation with stakeholders both in Japan and overseas, especially those participate in GSSI, developing and promoting certified CO・OP brand products.
Comment from Mr. Herman Wisse, GSSI Managing Director
"We are delighted that JCCU has joined the GSSI Global Partnership, the first of the Japanese retailing CO-OP. We look forward to collaborating with JCCU on our global, non-competitive effort towards more sustainable seafood for everyone."