News - 2024.09



2024 Peace Action in Nagasaki held

2024 Peace Action in Nagasaki held

From August 7th to 8th, 2024, the Nagasaki Prefecture Consumers' Cooperative Union and JCCU jointly held the "2024 Peace Action in Nagasaki," with approximately 1,400 participants, including online attendees from across Japan.

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2024 Peace Action in Hiroshima held

2024 Peace Action in Hiroshima held

From August 4th to 5th, 2024, the Hiroshima Consumers' Co-operative Union and JCCU jointly held the "2024 Peace Action in Hiroshima," with approximately 2,000 participants, including online attendees from across Japan.

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Member Co-ops

Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operative Union Promotes CO₂ Reduction by Changing the Thickness of Rice Packaging, Resulting in Less Plastic

Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operative Union Promotes CO₂ Reduction by Changing the Thickness of Rice Packaging, Resulting in Less Plastic

Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operative Union(hereinafter SCCCU) will gradually change some of the rice packaging used in its home delivery service from July onwards, promoting a reduction in the amount of plastic used. By decreasing the amount of plastic in the packaging, a reduction in CO₂, a greenhouse gas, will be achieved.

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