JCCU launches the second phase of the SDGs "Co-op Sustainable Action"


The "Co-op Sustainable Action" is an initiative launched by JCCU, together with consumer co-ops nationwide, aimed at realizing a sustainable world by increasing the number of people who "know," "learn," and "act" on environmental and social issues through five contents. Last year, it was implemented from May 23, 2023, with participation from 37 consumer co-ops across the country, resulting in over 320,000 activities conducted nationwide.

This year's "Co-op Sustainable Action" will focus on the following five contents. JCCU has launched a dedicated website for the initiative to communicate details of these activities to member co-ops and their members.

Click here to visit the dedicated website for the SDGs "Co-op Sustainable Action" (in Japanese)

"Co-op Sustainable Action" 5 Contents
Where is it? Sustainable! (continuing from last year)
May 23, 2023 - End of March 2026
On JCCU's dedicated "Co-op Sustainable Action" website, sustainable examples from daily life are introduced in three scenes: "at home," "while out," and "inside stores." The "Where is it? Sustainable" page on the website highlights environmentally and socially conscious Co-op products, reducing food waste by adjusting cooking methods, and the importance of recycling PET bottles or using reusable bottles,etc.. These pages aim to promote simple ways to contribute to sustainability in daily life. The goal of this initiative is to demonstrate that sustainability is not difficult but a familiar concept, encouraging awareness in everyday settings.

Let's learn about sustainability! Visit Dr. Sustainability's Room (continuing from last year)
from May 23, 2023, until the end of March 2026. 
Learn through engaging tools like videos and worksheets, focusing on four key themes: Ethical, Decarbonized Society, Recycling-based Society, and Biodiversity.

New: Online Event "Time for SDGs" on July 29, 2024
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An online event called "Time for SDGs" will be held for elementary school students. In this event, Mr. TAKIZAWA Shuichi , who works for a waste collection company while also being a comedian, will provide an easy-to-understand lecture on waste-related issues, such as the importance of sorting waste and how sorted waste can become a resource, all while incorporating humor. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for parents and children to think deeply about waste issues together. Participation is free of charge.

New: Video Clip on SDGs TV
A dedicated page for "Co-op Sustainable Action" will be created on the SDGs.TV website, featuring approximately three-minute video clips designed to facilitate learning about environmental and social issues for both children and adults. These videos will cover themes related to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as poverty, education, and gender issues, and will be distributed to co-op staff and officials through the educational media site SDGs.TV. The videos, produced by municipalities, local governments, and production companies, are available on the site. Additionally, there is a dedicated section for co-op staff, officials, and co-op members involved in planning and managing member activities, where these videos can be used as educational materials during study sessions and workshops attended by co-op members.

New: Let's discover it! "Co-op Plants/Animals Hunting Quest" 
May 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024
An event called "Quest" will be held within "Biome," an app for collecting plants and animals. The Biome app is available for free download on smartphones and other devices. In 2024, two quests with different difficulty levels, "Beginner" and "Advanced," will be offered. This system allows users to learn the names of plants and animals in a game-like manner. The event mechanism is as follows:
1. When plants or animals appear in the app's system, take a photo.
2. After taking the photo, look up the name of the plants/animals in the system and post the photo.
3. The photo will be displayed on a map within the system.
4. When you achieve the target number of posts, you will receive a "Quest Completed" stamp in the system.
5. For the Beginner quest, find 10 types of plants and animals to complete the quest. For the Advanced quest, find 8 types of plants and animals related to environmental conservation to complete the quest. 
By participating in the event with a game-like approach, users can learn about the impact of climate change on plants and animals and the importance of biodiversity conservation. This is a new activity that expands the environmental conservation efforts that the co-op has been conducting with its members for many years. The collected data will be analyzed and compiled into the "Co-op Plants/Animals Map" as public materials for member co-ops.

How to participate in the Quest
Step 1: Take a photo of an encountered plant or animal.  
Step 2: Decide on a name for the photographed plant or animal. 
Step 3: Review your post content and submit. 
Step 4: Earn a stamp upon completing the quest.

JCCU aims to achieve a sustainable world in collaboration with consumer co-ops nationwide and various stakeholders, including co-op members.

tags: JCCU, SDGs "Co-op Sustainable Action", sustainability