Co-op CS Net introduces containers made of 100% recycled materials
Co-op CS Net* has introduced 5,000 containers made of 100% recycled materials at its Onomichi Dry Set Center (Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture) from April 2023. The containers are used by the five consumer co-ops in Chugoku Region** to deliver dry products at room temperature to their members. The 5,000 containers to be introduced this time are equivalent to 1/3 of the containers to be replaced in FY2023 and will reduce CO2 emissions by 2,550 kg (equivalent to 2.6 million 2L PET bottles).
This distribution center collects dry products at room temperature for five co-ops in Chugoku Region.
Containers made of 100% recycled materials are marked in red with the message "This box is an environmentally friendly folding container made from reused containers. Please return it to us and keep it in a safe place until your next delivery." This makes it easier for co-op members to distinguish them from boxes that are not made of recycled materials.
Co-ops nationwide adopted the Co-op Action Plan for SDGs in 2018, which pledges to contribute to the SDGs and are advancing their businesses and activities with this perspective in mind.
*Co-op CS Net is a business federation which was established on October 3, 2005, with the share capital from nine community-based consumer co-ops in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions of Japan. In cooperation with its nine-member consumer co-ops, Co-op CS Net promotes their businesses to "enrich the lives of and realize the wishes of its co-op members."
**Target Co-ops: Tottori Co-op, Co-op Shimane, Okayama Co-op, Co-op Hiroshima, Co-op Yamaguchi