Co-op CS Net* began an initiative to provide surplus agricultural products generated at the Hiroshima Refrigerated Distribution Center (Asakita Ward, Hiroshima City) to the Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park.

The Hiroshima Refrigerated Distribution Center carries out logistics operations such as the collection of refrigerated products for three community-based consumer co-ops (Co-op Shimane, Co-op Hiroshima, and Co-op Yamaguchi) in the Chugoku region (western part of the main island.)
Surpluses of bananas and other agricultural products are generated daily in the distribution process, and until now they have been processed into compost and other products. This time, in cooperation with Asa Zoological Park, it was decided to effectively utilize some of the surplus agricultural products as animal feed from the perspective of reducing food loss.
Examples of Items offered: bananas, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

Anubis/Olive baboon eating feed at Asa Zoological Park
*Co-op CS Net is a business federation which was established on October 3, 2005, with the share capital from nine community-based consumer co-ops in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions of Japan. In cooperation with its nine-member consumer co-ops, Co-op CS Net promotes their businesses to "enrich the lives of and realize the wishes of its co-op members."
tags: donation, Refrigerated Distribution Center, surplus agricultural products, Zoological Park