Japanese Consumer Co-op starts 'Emergency Donation for Ukraine'
Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union (JCCU) and many of its member co-ops nationwide started "Emergency Donation for Ukraine" and they are asking their members and staff for donations. Efforts are already spreading through collecting donations at co-op stores and through home-delivery services.
The donations collected will be sent to UNICEF and will be used for programs to protect the lives of children in Ukraine such as delivering safe water by trucks to areas affected by the conflict, transporting essential supplies for health, sanitation, and education in emergencies as close as possible to communities near the front lines.
(1) Donation Period: TBD (expected to continue through 2022)
(2) Donation methods: at co-op stores and through home delivery services of consumer co-ops, etc.
©UNICEF/UN0597997/Skyba for The Globe and Mai