CO•OP × Red Cup Campaign donation presentation ceremony 2021 held
JCCU in cooperation with the Japan Association for the World Food Programme (JAWFP) launched the "CO•OP × Red Cup Campaign" from October 1 to November 10, 2020, and raised 5,047,714 yen in donations.
The "CO·OP × Red Cup Campaign" is an initiative in which one yen from the sale amount of each target CO·OP Brand Product is donated to JAWFP to support the WFP "School Meal Programme" in selected countries for the meal supply to school children. This campaign started in 2014 and has supported the Republic of Ghana from 2014 to 2016, and the Kingdom of Cambodia from 2017 to 2019.
From 2020, JCCU started providing support to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to help improve child nutrition, increase school attendance and enrollment rates, and develop human resources to operate the "School Meal Programme."
JCCU held a donation presentation ceremony on March 11, 2021, where an inventory of the 5,047,714 yen raised was presented to Mr. SUZUKI Kunio, Executive Officer of JAWFP.
At the presentation ceremony, Mr. FUJII Yoshitsugu, Managing Director of JCCU, said, "The Red Cup Campaign is gradually gaining recognition through the home delivery catalog, in stores, and at co-op study sessions. I hope that the donations will provide support to the human development of the children who bear the future as well as the development of the various developing countries.
Mr. FUJII Yoshitsugu, Managing Director of JCCU, addresses the audience
Taken turns, ARAI Chitose, Vice President of JCCU, said, "We, the members of consumer co-ops, value initiatives that lead to overseas support through the CO·OP Brand Products. We will continue to spread the word regarding the use of the donation and make every effort to encourage more co-op members to participate."
Mr. SUZUKI, Executive Officer of JAWFP, said, "I would like to thank co-op members for their cooperation. As schools are closed in Myanmar, we continue to provide food support for children including cash benefits for food purchases." and have received a letter of appreciation.
Presenting a certificate of appreciation