Osaka Izumi Co-op participates in 'RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable Energy'


In November 2020, Osaka Izumi Co-operative Society announced its participation in the "RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable Energy," an initiative that declares conversion of electricity use to 100% renewable energy.
The co-op is working to develop solar power plants and raise the ratio of renewable energy used by its facilities as an initiative to "produce, use, and expand" renewable energy toward the realization of a decarbonized society. The co-op has also entered the electricity retail business and is supplying electricity "Co-op Denki" which has a high renewable energy ratio, to about 40,000 households of its co-op members.

The announcement of participation in the "RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable Energy" is to develop these efforts.

The "RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable Energy" is an initiative in which companies, local governments, educational and medical institutions, and other small to medium-sized enterprises in Japan show their intention and action to convert to 100% renewable energy, and promote the use of 100% renewable energy. The Osaka Izumi is the second participating organization in this initiative after the Aomori Kenmin Consumers' Co-operative which participated in 2019.

To achieve the goal, the co-op is planning to generate electricity from renewable energy, secure power sources for renewable energy, and increase the number of "zero CO² emission facilities" that are converted to 100% renewable energy. In 2021, the co-op promotes to convert stores into "zero CO² emissions stores," and further aims to convert business electricity use into 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Osaka Izumi Co-operative Society's largest (7.5 MW) power plant

tags: environmental efforts, Osaka Izumi Co-operative Society, renewable energy