Palsystem Consumers' Co-operative Union, a member co-op of JCCU, has sent donations to areas affected by the massive bushfires in Australia.


Palsystem Consumers' Co-operative Union, a member co-op of JCCU, has sent donations to areas affected by the massive bushfires in Australia.
The Massive bushfires damaged vast areas of Australia in the 2019-2020 Australian bushfire season. The production area of Palsystem's private brand product "pressed rapeseed oil" of Kangaroo Island was also seriously damaged by the disaster.  

Co-op members visit the production site to deepen mutual trust with producers. The photo was taken in front of a pickup silo. 

On January 28, Member Co-ops of Palsystem and Palsystem Consumers' Co-operative Union sent a donation of 1.6 million yen to the Kangaroo Island Recovery Bushfire Fund.  Palsystem has also been supplying its private brand products using rapeseed produced in Kangaroo Island to many of its members so that they can support producers by its sales.
Palsystem 's "pressed rapeseed oil" uses 100% non-genetically modified (non-GMO) rapeseed that is produced in Kangaroo Island in Australia. At present, it is said that more than 90% of rapeseeds oil distributed in Japan uses genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, and it is becoming more difficult for companies to obtain non-GMO ingredients. In order to get such limited non-GMO raw material, Palsystem has entered into an agreement with Kangaroo Island Pure Grain (KIPG), a producer company in Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The representatives of the Palsystem Group visited the site in early September last year.

Palsystem product development / pressed rapeseed oil

tags: bushfire, donation, Paisysytem, rapeseedoil