JICA energy savings inspection team visits Co-op Kagoshima store


On September 20, 2019, an energy savings inspection team organized by JICA visited the Murasakibaru Store of Consumers Cooperative Society Kagoshima (hereafter Co-op Kagoshima).

Six delegates from the governments of Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Namibia, Nepal, and Tanzania participated in this study tour. After having received an explanation of energy savings efforts in the store business of Co-op Kagoshima, they also inspected the store, the backyard, and other facilities of the stores. Inside the store, they observed LED lighting, vinyl curtains that regulate the flow of cool air inside the showcase, and “night covers” that reduce power consumption by covering showcases after closing. Also, they observed an automatic spray device on the store roof which reduces power consumption by spraying water on the outdoor unit of the refrigeration equipment.

After the inspection the following comment was given by the participants:

“There are differences in situation with own countries, but the energy savings system here is devised with familiar things, so it is easy to put into practice in my home country”.

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tags: Consumers Cooperative Society Kagoshima, international co-operation, JICA