new release: 3 products that significantly improve blood pressure and relieve stress


JCCU has decided to focus on the development and launch of “Foods with Function Claims” (FFC) to meet the diverse health needs of co-op members. Three products blended with GABA will be released sequentially from September 1, 2019 as the first products.

FFC is health foods that have been approved by the Consumer Affairs Agency under the responsibility of the producer company. For such foods it is required to show scientific evidence based on the final product testing, literature or articles and to disclose information.

GABA is a type of amino acid that is abundant in vegetables, fruits and grains. Studies have shown that GABA has a palliative effect when a person has temporary mental stress and an antihypertensive effect due to continuous intake by people with relatively high blood pressure.

"CO・OP low-sodium grain corn soup with GABA" (effect: improve blood pressure)


Salt is reduced by 25% with reference to the existing product "CO・OP grain corn soup". In addition, 12.3 mg of GABA is blended per a portion.

"CO · OP "Refresh" zero-calorie with GABA" (effect: stress relief)


A zero-calorie semi-carbonated beverage with lemon and herb flavors. Contains seven vitamins, iron and dietary fiber and blended with 28 mg of GABA per 190 ml of a can.

"CO · OP "crunch chocolate" with GABA" (effect: stress relief)


A bite type chocolate with a mixture of biscuits and wheat puffs. It contains 28 mg of GABA per 28 g(approximately 5 pieces).

JCCU will continue to develop and release various types of FFC.

tags: blood pressure, CO・OP Brand Products, FFC, GABA, health care, stress relief