Black Tiger Aquaculture Industry Improvement Cooperation Fund launched


On March 21, 2019, JCCU launched the "Black Tiger Aquaculture improvement Cooperation Fund" to support the Sulawesi Island Shrimp Farming Improvement Project.

During the period from March 21, 2019 to June 20, 2021, 3 yen from the sale of one target CO・OP Brand Product will be accumulated and donated to the project. Donations will be used as follows; to regenerate mangroves to improve the environment around the aquaculture ponds, to train shrimp producers on sustainable shrimp aquaculture, and to manage the water quality required for environmentally conscious aquaculture.


The "Sulawesi Island Shrimp Farming Improvement Project" is a joint project of JCCU, WWF Japan, WWF-Indonesia, and PT. Bogatama Marinusa / PT. BOMAR (BOMAR Co., Ltd.), a major shrimp supplier of JCCU, working together to create a sustainable aquaculture industry that is environmentally and socially friendly in Sulawesi Island, a major production area of black tiger.

The project aims at supporting the improvement of the aquaculture industry based on the ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) standards, and to obtain ASC certification of the black tiger in the target aquaculture pond.

jccu-black-tiger-fund02.JPGのサムネイル画像 jccu-black-tiger-fund03.JPGのサムネイル画像

Learn more about the project (related JCCU NEWS):



The target items are 13 CO・OP Brand Products using black tiger. All black tiger used in CO・OP Brand Products are grown using an extensive farming method that does not use artificial feed or dosing. In this project, all CO・OP Brand Products with “Extensive Farming Mark” as well as products with the raw materials produced in the target aquaculture ponds of this project are covered.


products with "Extensive Farming Mark"

JCCU will use the knowledge obtained through this project to support the black tiger production areas not covered by this project, and will work to expand efforts to improve the aquaculture industry.

JCCU feature page on the project (Japanese Only): external_link.png

tags: CO・OP Brand Product, environment, FSC, international co-operation, MSC, sustainability