U CO-OP's traffic safety classes


Japanese consumer co-ops nationwide have been organizing training exercise for the improvement of driving skills and traffic safety awareness for their home delivery staff. Once a year, as a means to compete for the safest driving skills "Nationwide Co-op Safety Driving Competition" is held. Also Co-ops promote activities to raise awareness of traffic safety for each home delivery business area.

U CO-OP first launched "traffic safety classes" for the local kindergartens and nursery schools in fiscal 2011. Based on the experience gained the co-op has since expanded the program to elementary and junior high school students, elderly people, people with disabilities, and now the program has become diversified.

In FY 2018, there were 12 kinds of programs, and were held 63 times in Kanagawa, Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures.


Example of a program for preschool children


Children learn how to cross the street safely using a set of mock-up of pedestrian crossing and signal at the playground. They also walk in the front space of a stopped track, and their teacher tells children "I cannot see any of you" making them realize the danger in playing or walking in front or near a truck.

Accident re-enactment


This is a program for children in the elementary school and above imitating an accident involving a bicycle and a truck. U CO-OP staff act as the bicycle rider as well as the truck driver.

Learning session for people with disabilities


An example of training course at a vocational training facility for people with disabilities. In this training students sit in the driver's seat of a delivery truck to learn from real experience that there are blind spots. In addition, a quiz format type of classes is performed using models and picture stories.

Classes for elderly people

For elderly people, in-house programs are conducted such as "Training to notice danger", "Importance of confirmation", "Eye movement test", based on the concept of "how to walk without encountering accidents". This program is rearrangement of the safe driving training course for home delivery staff who are relatively aged ones.


Though they have such systematic programs, before organizing an event U CO-OP staff interview the leaders of participants to conduct courses tailored to participants.

Also, at the day of the event co-op staff from the nearest home delivery center to the venue participate in the day’s operation. Through this program exchanges between co-op staff and the local residents are deepened, and it also helps to raise delivery staff’s awareness of traffic safety.

tags: education, traffic safety, U CO-OP