JCCU website introduces a new movie gallery CO•OP Pickup No6
“CO·OP Pickup” is a series of short movies that introduces examples of activities of consumer co-ops and its members nationwide at the gallery page of JCCU’s official website.
On February 14, 2018 a new video “CO·OP Pickup No6” covering JCCU and members co-ops efforts in international cooperation was posted.
The video features consumer co-op nationwide UNICEF activities to support the world's children, interaction and learning activities with overseas co-operatives.
This time the state of the visit to East Timor, the designated country for the UNICEF designated donation activities being carried out by consumer co-ops in the Tohoku and Kyushu prefectures were shown together with the state of the training program in the areas of Japanese consumer co-op business and activities organized for co-operative managers of consumer co-ops from Singapore and Vietnam.