JCCU set target for CO2 reduction


JCCU has established the "2030 Environmental Target Review Committee" with experts, and has mainly been studying countermeasures against global warming. The committee has submitted a report on the level of CO2 reduction targets to the co-op board of directors to consider its adoption by the nationwide consumer co-ops . In the report, the following five proposals were made as a means to promote global warming countermeasures by the power of cooperation.

  1. Individual consumer co-ops formulate “2030 greenhouse gas reduction plan” and start practicing.The committee had set the following objectives. Goal for 2030: Reduction of total CO2 emissions by 40% compared to the level at 2013. Goal for 2050: Reduction of total CO2 emissions by 90% compared to 2013.
  2. To ensure thorough energy conservation measures, by reviewing facilities and vehicles from the environmental perspective. JCCU plans to promote the introduction and improvement of energy-saving equipment systematically, and cooperates with member coops nationwide to switch to next-generation vehicles especially for home delivery and logistics.
  3. To tackling the development of renewable energy supply by co-ops nationwide. In order to achieve sustainable development and compatibility of low-carbon society, the following targets have been set in order to promote the development of renewable energy power supply by co-ops nationwide. Future targets: Development of renewable power supply of 1 billion kwh (equivalent to 500 MW)
  4. To learn with co-op members and spread empathy. Co-op members and staff will learn about climate change and the current situation of environmental problems, recognize the impact on our living and business, and broaden the empathy for the need for action to prevent further deterioration.
  5. To cooperate with the region/community to advance a movement that ensures the creation of a sustainable society. JCCU will promote the production of local energy by collaboration with local governments and actively strengthen collaboration with co-ops nationwide, NPOs, universities and research institutions.

Today, with the strong sense of crisis that the deterioration of the global environment is impairing the sustainable foundation of society, the world has adopted the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and set out a global action plan in the Paris Agreement.

Realization of a sustainable society is part of the Ideal of Japanese Consumer Co-op movement for the 21st century and co-op has been addressing this issue to demonstrate our role as a key partner for the achievement of SDGs.

JCCU and member co-ops will continue to pursue various initiatives to realize a low-carbon society, a harmonious symbiosis society, and a recycling oriented society.

tags: CO2, environment