New Release: CO·OP Coffee pack & CO·OP Organic Darjeeling Tea Bag


JCCU has released two new CO・OP products "CO・OP Coffee Pack for Canteen" and "CO・OP Organic Darjeeling Tea Bag" using 30% of beans and 100% organic tea leaves produced from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms respectively. The products were released on April 1, 2017.

Rainforest Alliance Certified farms meet strict criteria from the viewpoint of ecological protection, environmental preservation, improvement of working environment etc.

In the fiscal 2017, JCCU plans to switch over 80% of its coffee and tea amounting to about 240 million cups a year using raw materials from rainforest alliance certified farms.

The coffee pack is a blend of 100% Arabica beans from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala and Ethiopia. Richness and sweetness change with the method of preparation either hot or ice.

"CO・OP Organic Darjeeling Tea Bag" uses 100% tea leaves organically grown in the Rainforest Alliance certified farms in Darjeeling region, India. 50% or more of the raw material is second flush which is considered high quality. One can enjoy rich and fruity aroma.

JCCU will continue to promote product development that considers environment, region, society and people, including products from Rainforest Alliance certified farms, and will strive to expand its ethical consumption efforts.

tags: CO・OP Brand Product, product, Rain Forest Alliance