Co-op Detergent Environmental Campaign


The 8th Co-op detergent environmental donation campaign is being conducted between April 21 to October 20 2017.

The campaign is an initiative aimed at spreading environmental friendliness of Co-op detergents and also to contribute to environmental protection. The campaign focuses on the sale of 11 Co-op detergents, where for every purchase of one of those detergents, one yen is donated to fund the activities of NPO Corporation Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (BCTJ) referred to as “Borneo Green Corridor Project” and also domestic and international environmental protection groups.

The "Borneo Green Corridor" project is an effort to protect biodiversity by securing the land between protected areas and preserved forests to conserve the environment of Borneo Island creatures.

Since JCCU uses palm oil from the oil palm plantations of Borneo Island as raw materials for Co-op laundry detergent, it started this donation activity and so far has secured about 9.1 hectares of land as "Co-op Forest".

Last year the campaign realized a total amount of 4.26 million JPY with the participation of 105 community-based consumer co-ops.

tags: environment