Co-op detergent environmental donation campaign FY2016


Since 2011, Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union has been organizing “Co-op Environmental Campaign Fund” every year to raise money to support environmental activities both in Japan and abroad. One of the aims of this campaign is to spread the environmental friendliness of Co-op detergents and also to contribute to environmental protection. 


campaign logo

The campaign focuses on the sale of Co-op detergent where for every purchase of a particular laundry detergent, one yen is donated to the fund. The target products this of the campaign were 11 items clothing detergents (CO・OP Sefta-NEXT, CO・ OP Sefta-Energy Antibacterial/deodorant etc.)

This year the campaign was conducted between April 21 to October 20 2016 with the participation of 105 community-based consumer co-ops realizing a total amount of 4.26 million JPY. The amount will be donated to the NPO Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (BCTJ) for biodiversity conservation activities in Borneo.Borneo has oil plantations where JCCU gets its raw materials for the production of laundry detergent.

JCCU is aggressively spreading Eco Mark products in consideration of increasing donations towards environmental activities and to environmental groups engaged in various environmental protection activities soliciting the assistance of member co-ops.

tags: BCTJ, CO・OP Brand Product, CO・OP detergent environmental donation campaign, environment, the NPO Borneo Conservation Trust Japan