Fukushima Children's Recreation Project 2016


Consumer Co-ops nationwide have been offering special summer vacation program to children in Fukushima area as part of the disaster area reconstruction assistance activities since 2011, aiming at helping school children and parents spend weekends and school vacations in areas remote from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

This year also JCCU and the Fukushima Prefecture Consumers' Co-operative Union will cooperate in a special summer vacation program nationwide in 10 locations, in the period of July 16 to August 20, 2016.

Since the start of this program 78,439 people including children and their parents have participated in the Fukushima Children’s Recreation Program (until March 31 2016). In the fiscal 2015 (April 1 2015 to March 31 2016), the amount of funding from JCCU and member co-ops, the Japan UNICEF Association and others for this project are respectively 50 million JPY, 22 million JPY and 6 million JPY, totaling approximately 78 million JPY.

In the fiscal 2014 the total funding from JCCU and member co-ops and the UNICEF was approximately 71 million JPY.

fukushima-children-recreation-2016-01.jpg  fukushima-children-recreation-2016-02.jpg

State of last year’s summer vacation program

tags: child-rearing support, disaster relief