CO・OP products packaging uses recycled PET bottles collected in co-ops


JCCU is expanding its activities to recycle PET bottles, collected in community-based consumer co-ops, into one of the raw materials of packaging of the CO・OP Brand Products. This initiative was first implemented with the package of JCCU's popular CO・OP Brand Products such as CO・OP Fluffy Egg Omelet Rice. It now added the package of the CO・OP Beef Curry to the list in March. More than 12.5 million servings of this retort beef curry are sold annually. Other products will be added gradually from September.

 CO・OP Beef Curry

JCCU has formulated the "2030 Goals for CO・OP Brand Products*" which aims to achieve at least 50% use of recycled plastic and plant-derived plastic in total by 2030.

JCCU has already been using packaging films made partly from recycled PET bottles for 316 of its CO・OP products and plans to expand the use of this film in the future. By using PET bottles collected by the community-based consumer co-ops as part of the raw materials for this PET film, JCCU hopes that co-op members will be able to experience and learn what happens after they put PET bottles in recycling bins. 

In the 2021 "Environmentally Friendly Shopping and Plastic Survey" targeting co-op members, among the activities of community-based consumer co-ops, 76% of all respondents answered that they have high expectations for recycling plastic bottles collected by co-ops and using them as packaging materials for other co-op products also.

JCCU will continue to strive to develop and disseminate environmentally and socially friendly products.

*2030 Goals for CO・OP Brand Products:

tags: CO・OP Brand Products, package, recycling PET bottles